Recently ASEE engineers attended the Cummins Power Generation ‘Power Train’ course held at their Ramsgate factory. The course ran for two days and covered many topics including;
- Diesel Generator sets
- Gas generator sets
- ISO 8528-1 Ratings (COP, PRP, LTP, ESP) and Cummins own rating, Data Centre Continuous (DCC)
- Paralleling Applications
- Critical Applications and DMC’s
- Cooling
- Ventilation
- Fuel System
- Exhaust system and emissions
- Noise considerations
- Load profiles
This was an introduction to Gas generators for prime power, CHP and district heating.
We are continuously engaging in further learning ‘CPD’ and reinforcing current knowledge to ensure all of our systems are designed correct and installed correct, first time, every time.
For further information on the above or any other queries please contact info@aseeltd.com